Houses of the westerlands
Houses of the westerlands

He has great influence throughout most of the story – he was a Hand of the king Aerys II, the Mad King, and later a Hand of the king Joffrey Baratheon, his grandson. The ruling lord of Casterly Rock is Tywin Lannister, a skilled politician & general. They also rule the Lannisport, a port city which is the main city of the region of Westerlands. Their seat is the Casterly Rock, a fortress carved out of a great stone hill. House Lannister is the principle house of the Westerlands, with many sworn major and minor bannermen houses. It’s not uncommon to hear (read) the saying: “ for all the Gold in Casterly Rock.”Įven though Lannisport is the principal city of the Westerlands, the real power lies at Casterly Rock, which is the seat of House Lannister. Mining for these precious metals have made the region of Westerlands the richest one in Westeros. The hills and mountains of Westerlands, a reasonably small region of Westeros, are rich with silver and gold.

houses of the westerlands

The fleet has been momentarily destroyed during the short Balon Greyjoy’s rebellion. Greyjoys are known to be exceptionally well accustomed to the sea fight, so Lannisters have a fleet that is ready to face them in case of attacks.

houses of the westerlands

When it comes to water borders, Westerlands share one with Iron Islands where House Greyjoyrules. With only one major pass through the mountains in the east of the region, the way of the armies that might march to Westerlands is easily predictable. This, however, is not a drawback, since hills and mountains make for a great natural defense of the area. Its geography is mostly marked with mountains and hills which make the area not as populated as other parts of the Westeros. It is surrounded by Riverlands on the eastern side and The Reachto the southern side.

houses of the westerlands

Westerlands is a seaside region of Westeros. There are plenty of smaller houses that swear their allegiance to the House Lannister, but more will be said of those later on. One of the major houses that play an important role in the whole story, House Lannister, rules the Westerlands. Not much happens in Westerlands in A Song of Ice and Fire, but they do have an important role in the overall story. If you are wondering why all of this is important – well, Westerlands are, believe it or not, the western part of the continent of Westeros. As you can see, sides of the world have important role when naming the continents – West for Westeros, East for Essos, and South for Sothoryos.

houses of the westerlands

Most of the events in A Song of Ice and Firetake place in Westeros, partly in Essos, and Sothoryos is the unexplored continent of the world in Song of Ice and Fire. Westeros is a continent which holds its name due to being the most western continent, as opposed to Essos and Sothoryos.

Houses of the westerlands